Štiřín Castle auction returns with lower price after initial setback

16 September 2024

The Office for State Representation in Property Matters (ÚZSVM) has announced a second attempt to auction off the historic Štiřín Castle, located in Central Bohemia. Following the failure of the first round last week, where no bidders placed the required deposit, the office has reduced the starting price from CZK 3.3 billion to CZK 2.5 billion—a decrease of CZK 800 million. The upcoming auction is scheduled to take place between October 22 and 23.

To encourage participation, the deposit required to enter the auction has been lowered to CZK 25 million, down from the previous CZK 30 million. Additionally, the ÚZSVM has planned two tours of the castle on October 9 and 16 for potential bidders. The minimum bid increment during the auction will be CZK 75,000.

Historically, Štiřín Castle operated as a luxury hotel, complete with a restaurant, wellness center, and golf course. However, the site has been closed since its transfer from the Foreign Ministry to the Property Office in June 2023. The Ministry had declared the property surplus to its needs, and no other state institutions expressed interest in taking over management of the site. As a result, the castle is now being offered for sale to private buyers.

“The preferred method of disposing of unnecessary state property is through a transparent auction process,” said a spokesperson for the ÚZSVM. “In the case of Štiřín Castle, we found no reason to deviate from this procedure, especially given the high costs of maintaining empty state property.”

The costs of maintaining the unused castle are substantial, with monthly expenses estimated at CZK 600,000, primarily due to the upkeep of the golf course. This financial burden has led the state to push for a swift sale.

The proposed sale has faced opposition from local stakeholders, including the municipality of Kamenice. Local leaders suggested a collaborative project with the state to repurpose part of the castle as a public facility, including a medical clinic and kindergarten, while retaining some areas for state use. However, the auction process has moved forward despite these alternative proposals.

If successful, the sale of Štiřín Castle could set a record for the highest sale ever handled by the ÚZSVM, surpassing the CZK 790 million earned from the sale of property in Prague’s náměstí Republiky.

Built in the mid-18th century, Štiřín Castle underwent significant renovations between 1985 and 1993 to transform it into a hotel. The castle’s rich history also includes a failed legal claim by the Scouts, who sought ownership of the property, but lost their case in court in 2005.

All eyes will now be on the second round of the auction, which could finally find a new owner for this historic estate.

Source: CTK

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