Coursera has more than 711k registered students in Poland

19 June 2024

Coursera now has more than 711,000 registered students in Poland and is making 4,900 courses available in Polish and new AI features, said Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda.

“Coursera currently has more than 711,000 registered students in Poland and has recorded one and a half million enrolments to date for courses delivered on the platform. It will now significantly increase its involvement in the Polish market. Poland is trying to diversify its economy and has ambitions to be a leader in digitalisation. Our aim is to make quality education available to everyone, regardless of the language they speak. Our new initiative is an important step in this direction. We have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to translate more than 4,900 courses into Polish, giving students in Poland unprecedented access to learning and the flexibility to develop the digital skills of the future,” Maggioncalda said during the press conference.

Coursera has announced new initiatives to facilitate access to online courses in Poland. The international education platform is for the first time introducing educational content in Polish and features based on artificial intelligence to make online learning more personalised and interactive. Coursera’s best and most popular lessons, such as “The Science of Well-Being” by Yale University, “AI for Everyone” by DeepLearning.AI, “Programming for Everybody” by the University of Michigan and “What is Data Science?” by IBM, will now be available in Polish.

In a report prepared by the Coursera platform ‘2024 Global Skills Report’, based on data from more than 148 million learners on the platform, Poland ranks 22nd in the world and 15th among EU countries in terms of the number of users.

“These results suggest that Polish learners on the Coursera platform, given the opportunity to acquire key skills in technology, business and data science, are able to perform much better,” commented the CEO.

Source: Coursera and ISBnews

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