Szczepański: Left will still discuss position on trade Sundays

17 June 2024

The Left will still discuss the final position of the club in the vote on the rejection of the project on trading Sundays, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Wieslaw Szczepanski (New Left) announced. The motion to reject the project was tabled on behalf of the club during the first reading.

“I think this is the week where we will still discuss how to proceed with this project. Whether to send it back to committee and work on it there, or whether to decide, however, to reject it,” Szczepanski told Polish Radio.

He added that he was personally in favour of “keeping these shops open on Saturday, Sunday [workers] should have free”.

Motions to reject in the first reading the parliamentary bill on the restriction of trade on Sundays and holidays and on certain other days and the Labour Code Act, which envisages the introduction of two trade Sundays per month, were submitted by the parliamentary clubs of the Left and Law and Justice (PiS).

The other clubs voted in favour of referring the draft for further work.

The draft envisages increasing the number of Sundays on which trading is allowed by allowing activity on the first and third Sunday in each month.

The proposed amendments to the Labour Code guarantee an employee a day off work and, if this is not possible, the payment of a salary supplement equal to 100% of the salary calculated as for overtime work.

Source: Polish Radio and ISBnews

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