Tmaň Castle grounds now house a 150-person home for the elderly

12 June 2024

A home for the elderly with 150 beds has been established in the renovated premises of the Tmaň castle in the Berounsko region. The operation was launched a few weeks ago, and clients are gradually moving into the home in the listed complex. Seniors in this private facility around 1000 crowns per day. The renovation of the facility cost CZK 220 million, Senlife, the company that runs the home, announced today.

The company started the complete renovation of the building in 2022. During the reconstruction, it cooperated with conservationists, preserving valuable architectural elements, such as the strip vaults in the former outbuilding or the stone-and-brick entrance gate.

Seniors have accommodation in single and double rooms with full-time care or in suites. The property has a café and garden. Prices range from 900 to 1100 crowns per day, depending on the size of the room. “The cost of stay, food and care are included,” Lukáš Drásta, the company’s managing director, told the Czech News Agency. The apartments are for seniors who can take care of themselves.

The first home for the elderly was opened by the Czech company Senlife in 2021 in a former monastery in Malník. Further homes are to be built in Chodová Plana in the Tachov region and Dobrá Voda in the Příbram region. In Chodová Plana, the company is renovating a dilapidated neo-Baroque castle, while in Dobrá Voda it is renovating a former spa complex.

In the Central Bohemian Region, according to the data of the regional administration, there are currently over 4,200 beds available in the regional network of social services in homes for the elderly and almost 2,000 more beds in homes with special regime.

Source: Senlife and CTK

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