Xtreme Fitness Gyms takes 800 sqm in Bielsko-Biała retail park by Redkom Development

29 May 2024

Xtreme Fitness Gyms is another tenant from the service sector at a retail park under construction in Bielsko-Biała. The gym and fitness club will occupy more than 800 m2.

In this area, there will be space for wide range of fitness machines. Modern equipment, a wide range of fitness sessions and the care of instructors create the perfect conditions for the rapidly growing number of people who care about their shape and figure. Achieving fitness goals will be supported by access to free advice, a database of exercise videos and training with sports stars available on a VOD platform.

“When selecting locations for our clubs, we prioritize the comfort of our clubbers. As a result, we are increasingly deciding on locations in retail parks. They offer spacious parking lots and are located in attractive, well-connected areas. In addition, they meet day-to-day needs, such as shopping, which can be conveniently arranged when coming to a training session – lists the advantages of cooperation Małgorzata Żegarska, Network Development Director, Xtreme Fitness Gyms. This is also an added value for retail parks. Club members go to train at times and on days that are less crowded by retail park customers. By signing long-term lease agreements, usually for 10 years, we are a stable and trustworthy business partner. Our offer is of interest to property managers seeking to diversify their business and respond to current market trends and consumer needs,” adds Małgorzata Żegarska.

Redkom Development has announced the opening of a retail park in Bielsko-Biała for Q4 of 2024. The facility is being constructed as a result of the redevelopment of Tesco, in a location that was already active on the retail map. The excellent location of Warszawska Street near the S1 route, Castorama, Merkury Market and other retail and service locations will guarantee the new investment an advantage right from the start.
The new facility in Bielsko-Biała, with a retail area of 17,000 sqm and an area for 30 tenants, places us in first rank in terms of size among retail parks in the city. We are aware that we enter a market that is already commercially developed, but we do so with knowledge and awareness of our market advantage. The retail park concept with access to shops and services straight from the car park, the favorite brands of Poles, the presence of the aforementioned services and, above all, modernity are unquestionable assets. Shopping in a retail park saves time and is convenient. The sales concept that guarantees immediate accessibility to the shop of choice has proved its worth during the pandemic and has remained in the habits of customers. Customers also expect functionality unrelated to retail locations and this is what we want to develop, hence the presence of Xtreme Fitness Gyms in Bielsko-Biała.. We have been working together for a long time and this is another mutual project” – says Elżbieta Kutrasińska, Senior Leasing Manager, Redkom Development.
The co-operating partner for the commercialization of the retail park in Bielsko-Biała is Mallson Polska company.

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