Poland: Billions from the budget should go to the construction of flats, not to 0% credit

22 May 2024

Funds from the state budget reserved for subsidies for 0% credit should go to the construction of low-cost municipal housing, low-cost rental flats, according to Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk. She stressed that she was ‘not a fan’ of the 0% loan and expressed confidence that the Left coalition partners could be persuaded to abandon it.

“The project that is called the start-up credit, the 0% credit is not there yet, it is not in the Sejm yet, we are not discussing it at all yet. And I hope we’ve already got it through – credit subsidies cause housing prices to rise. The increase in the price of housing makes these flats even less available and it’s such a [self-] fuelled spiral, which benefits the developers, which benefits the banks, but it certainly doesn’t benefit young people, young families – these flats are not becoming more available,” said Dziemanowicz-Bąk on Radio Three.

“So I hope that at the end of the day billions from the state budget will be spent on flats, but not on flats on credit, but on the construction of these flats, the construction of council flats, the construction of flats for cheap, good rent, because the lack or the housing crisis or the lack of available flats is one of the main reasons for the low fertility rate, one of the reasons for the demographic crisis , so it is also […] in the area of interest of the minister responsible for the family precisely and for demography,” she stressed.

When asked about the Left’s support for the 0% loan, she replied that she personally ‘is not a fan of this solution’.

On the other hand, referring to the question about support for the project in the Sejm, she pointed out that “there is no vote on it at the moment, there is no decision at the moment”.

“I hope that we can convince our coalition partners that this solution does not make sense,” she added.

Last week, deputy speaker of the Sejm Włodzimierz Czarzasty (Left) emphasised on Zet radio that the Left was not comfortable with the idea of introducing a 0% loan, as – in his opinion – most of the young people at whom it would be aimed do not have creditworthiness, and its introduction would increase housing prices. In turn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digitalisation Krzysztof Gawkowski (Left) said on Radio Zet that it may happen that the ‘0% loan will land in the bin’ and be replaced by another solution. However, he did not elaborate on which solution he could be referring to.

Source: MRPiPS and ISBnews

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