Abandoned building of the main post office in Opava will be turned into housing for the elderly

15 April 2024

The abandoned building of the main post office in Opava has a new owner. The Czech Post sold the building for CZK 26 million to Miroslav Glos, an Opava businessman. He plans to convert the building into housing for the elderly with doctors’ or dentists’ surgeries. He plans to spend up to CZK 300 million on the reconstruction. Roman Konečný, a spokesman for the Opava municipality, announced today.

The post office has been located in the building since 1866, but left it after almost a century and a half. Glos has carried out similar projects in the past. He has converted the former hospital U Rytířů into the Elizabeth Residence and the Opava maternity hospital into today’s Vila Vančurova home for the elderly.

“We plan to build around 25 surgeries across various medical and healthcare disciplines. I have a wish that the basement will have an X-ray and magnetic resonance scanner for the citizens, which I personally consider an important element, because there is only one in Opava so far and those who need it have to wait a long time to get it,” Glos said. He wants to adapt three floors as a home for the elderly and a home with a special regime, where there should be about 100 beds. Everything could be ready by the end of this year.

Opava Mayor Tomáš Navrátil welcomed the plan. “Opava still lacks similar facilities for the elderly and this will be even more noticeable in the future,” he said. He said the location where the building stands is also suitable for this purpose. “It is close to the centre, where there are cafés and culture. There are also parks nearby for walking and relaxing,” he added.

Source: Opava and CTK

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