Omer Susli advances with the authorization of a strip mall in Bucharest

11 April 2024

Businessman Omer Susli, the owner of Homelux interior decoration stores, is moving forward with the authorization of the retail park whose construction he hopes to start this year in the west of Bucharest, in partnership with the entrepreneur Ionuț Dumitrescu.

An urban planning certificate has already been issued to Element Investments, owned by Ionuț Dumitrescu, for the purpose of building a shopping center in the Ghencea Extension, in the west of Bucharest.

The company owns land with an area of almost 76,000 sqm on which it wants to develop a retail park alongside a Kaufland hypermarket and a Lidl store. After the sale of the land to the two German retailers, the investor is left with an area of about 40,000 sqm on which it can build a strip mall-type retail park of about 15-20,000 rentable sqm.


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