CTP obtained a positive EIA opinion for two more halls near Blučina

4 April 2024

Developer CTP Invest is close to building two more warehouse halls in the logistics zone near Blučina in the Brno region near the exit from the D2 motorway. On the second attempt, it has received a positive opinion from the EIA. The regional authority stated that the buildings and their operation will not have a significant impact on the environment that would require further assessment under the Environmental Impact Act, according to a document on the EIA Information Portal. The complex will thus expand to five halls.

Originally, the developer wanted to build it as early as last year, but due to comments from the Czech Environmental Inspectorate, he had to elaborate the EIA documentation in more detail and have an opposing opinion drawn up. Last year, the developer did not sufficiently solve the problem with rainwater drainage.

There are already two functional warehouses by the motorway and a third, new warehouse will soon be occupied by Inventec, a company that develops and manufactures electronics and information technology. So far, according to the document, it operates in Brno-Slatina and Modřice. The fourth and fifth halls, which CTP wants to build, are to be used again as warehouses. The two halls will occupy 8.5 hectares, with the first hall covering over 14,000 sqm and the second over 12,000 sqm.

Rainfall is to be collected in tanks and used to water the green areas, and partly discharged into a nearby area called Pastivska. The sewage will be diverted to a sewage treatment plant. Currently, the developer expects to start construction this year and next year the operation of both halls can be started.

The vast majority of traffic is to be routed along the motorway, but a small amount will have to travel until the bypass is built through Blučina, which has long been heavily trafficked. A large proportion are lorries and trucks, although the passage through the village is relatively narrow. There has been talk of building a bypass for more than a decade. Last December, the governor of the South Moravian Region, Jan Grolich (KDU-ČSL), said that the construction had a building permit and that the land had been bought. The four-and-a-half-kilometre-long construction, worth CZK 1 billion, should start next year.

Source: CTK
Photo: CTP

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