2907 flats started to be built in the Moravian-Silesian Region last year, the least in five years

2 April 2024

Construction of 2,907 flats started in the Moravian-Silesian Region last year. This was 753 fewer flats, i.e. a fifth fewer than in 2022 and the fewest in the last five years. 2,688 flats were completed, which was 74 fewer year-on-year and the fewest in the last four years. This is based on preliminary data from the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ).

The decline in the number of housing starts in the Moravian-Silesian Region was 20.6 percent and was the sixth highest in the Czech Republic. “Year-on-year growth in housing starts occurred only in the Karlovy Vary Region (by 12.4 percent) and the South Bohemia Region (by 1.8 percent), while other regions and the Czech Republic as a whole showed an overall decline,” said Patrik Szabo from the regional administration of the ČSÚ. The Olomouc Region recorded the biggest decline, by 34.6 percent.

The largest number of flats were built in new family houses in the Moravian-Silesian Region last year. The number of flats was 1,526, which was 518 fewer year-on-year, i.e. more than a quarter less. A significant year-on-year decline was also recorded in the number of housing starts in apartment buildings, from 956 to 405 flats. “The 57.6 per cent drop (551 flats) was clearly the biggest among the regions,” Szabo said.

The largest number of flats started to be built in the region last year in Ostrava region (665 flats), the least in Bruntál region (158 flats). The number of housing starts increased year-on-year only in the Karviná and Nový Jičín districts. “Among the other districts of the Moravian-Silesian Region, the most significant year-on-year decline was in the Opava district (by 64.3 percent, i.e. 594 flats), due to a sharp decline in the construction of flats in new apartment buildings,” Szabo said.

The construction of flats in family houses decreased year-on-year in all districts of the region. “The biggest declines were recorded in the districts of Ostrava-city (by 34.9 percent) and Opava (by 31.9 percent),” Szabo said. Construction of flats in apartment buildings started in all districts of the region except Bruntál. “By far the largest number of such flats was started in the Ostrava-city district (263 flats), which was a higher number of flats than in family houses (196 flats),” Szabo said.

The number of completed flats in the Czech Republic fell year-on-year in most regions, most significantly by 20.7 percent in the Olomouc Region. The decline in the Moravian-Silesian Region (2.7 percent) was the second lowest among the regions. The year-on-year increase in completed flats was recorded in only five regions, the highest being in the South Bohemia Region, where it amounted to 17.7 per cent.

In comparison between districts, the Moravian-Silesian Region had the highest number of completed flats in the Frýdek-Místek region, 668. Four districts recorded an increase. “The largest increase occurred in the districts of Karviná (by 31 percent, i.e. by 124 flats) and Bruntál (by 30.6 percent; by 59 flats). Fewer flats were completed compared to 2022 only in the districts of Ostrava-city (down 46.1 percent; by 326 flats) and Opava (down 3.6 percent; by 10 flats),” Szabo said.

The highest share of completed flats in the region fell on flats in family houses, which amounted to 67.2 percent. “Out of the total number of 1,805 flats, the largest number of them were completed in the Frýdek-Místek district (533 flats), which represented 29.5 percent of the regional number,” Szabo said.

291 flats in new apartment buildings were completed in the region. “Most of them were completed in the Karviná (127 flats) and Bruntál (80 flats) districts. Not a single flat was completed in the Ostrava-město district,” Szabo said.

71 flats were completed in non-residential buildings in the region last year, 45 more than the previous year. Most of them, 34, were in the Frýdek-Místek district.

Source: CTK and ČSÚ

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