Budimex’s work on the construction of the strategic junction of the D1 and D4 motorways near Bratislava is entering the next phase, the company said. The demolition of the bridge over D1 will enable the expansion of the highway and the construction of collector belts. The construction, which is the first project of Budimex in Slovakia, will significantly improve transport around the country’s capital and in the whole region of this part of Europe.
The works above the D1/D4 line as part of the extension of the D1 section Bratislava – Triblavin are progressing successfully. In the first months, activities related to the preparation and equipment of the area, construction of communication on the construction site, dehumation or remediation of the substrate were carried out. Archaeological research and media relocation has also been ongoing in recent months. According to the schedule, work was also carried out on the demolition of the old police building and former state henhouses and retaining walls or the foundation of bridge structures were made.
The first important part of the project will also be the construction of detour routes that will take off traffic from the D1 motorway, thus creating space for the possibility of building the necessary bridges and motorway connections in the directions of Jarovce – Trnava and Trnava – Stupava.
Due to the need to adjust the level of the D1 motorway to the D4 motorway, the project also assumes raising the level of the D1 motorway during traffic. Such a project is a unique feature in Slovakia. Maintenance will be possible thanks to the construction of detour collectors, emphasized.
This also related to the necessary removal of the bridge over the D1 road. Demolition was successfully carried out by Budimex on the scheduled date in March, mainly during the night.
“Due to the need to demolish the bridge over a key highway in Slovakia, where 120,000 vehicles pass every day, we had to plan the work so that the demolition takes place over the weekend. We had 14 hours, during which almost 100 people worked on the construction site. This construction phase is very important to us, as it will allow us to start working on intersection collectors and their connection to D1. At the same time, the construction of a new bridge after the demolition will begin, the progress of which is closely linked to the progress of work on the operated D1 motorway,” said Igor Sedláček, director of the contract.
The work will take several months and aim to reduce the impact on traffic. The movement will be held on three tapered lanes in both directions in case of reduced speed.
Source: Budimex and ISBnews