Polish women receive on average nearly PLN 800 lower salaries than Poles

6 March 2024

Polish women receive on average nearly PLN 800 lower salaries than Poles, according to data analysed by VeloBank. The largest disparities, at around PLN 1,200, appear among the oldest groups surveyed – 56-65 and over 66 years old. Smaller differences, averaging just over PLN 600, occur among the younger groups.

The latest data from the Central Statistical Office shows that in October 2022, the average gross monthly salary of men was 17.6% higher than that of women. Moreover, this applies to almost all professional groups, the bank reported.

Polish women have less money at their disposal and therefore the size of their deposits is lower by 16% on average. Despite this, they are more willing to build their financial stability. They accumulate funds in bank accounts and are more likely to maintain a balance of more than PLN 1,000 in a savings account (39% of women and 35% of men) and in a deposit account (18% of women and 16% of men). They are also less likely to use credit products such as loans, credit cards or account limits. Men are more likely to use cash loans (8.9% vs. 7.2%), have credit cards (5.3% vs. 4.3%) and ROR limits (9.3% and 8.1%).

Ladies are also fans of modern technology and are bold in their use of electronic banking, especially in the under-25 and over-46 age brackets. Additionally, more women automate their banking by setting up a direct debit on their account (5.4% of women and 4.8% of men). Men, on the other hand, are more likely to use ATMs (73% of men vs. 62% of women) and pay more often by card. The average number of ‘plastic’ transactions for men is 30-33 versus 26-29 for women, it was indicated in the report.

Overall, men spend on average 10% more than women, but it is worth noting that in base categories such as food, children or household maintenance, the deviations are marginal. Men spend about 9% more on monthly rent, with women covering slightly higher amounts in the other groups. Where are the significant differences? Ladies spend on average 45% more on the beauty category, 40% more on clothes and 18% more on health. Men, on the other hand, spend higher amounts on a car (around 74%), travel (61%) and renovations (around 30%).

Source: VeloBank and ISBnews

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