38% of respondents expect the personal financial situation, while by 4 percentage points, to 48%, the percentage of increased by an increase in personal revenues, according to the latest edition of the “Consumer Signals” survey of Deloitte.
The latest consumer sentiment reading shows that the cost of living still poses a challenge for many Polish consumers. 45% of respondents (by 2 percentage points less than a month earlier) believe that their financial situation is worse than in the previous year. Still, every third inhabitant of Poland is worried about its ability to pay incoming payments, and every second one will not be able to incur an unexpected expense. At an unchanged level (76%) remains the percentage predicting a further increase in the prices of the most commonly purchased products. In turn, declaring a lack of money at the end of the month account for 38% of respondents, 3 percentage points more than in December 2023. Fearing about the state of their savings, they account for 39% of respondents, compared to 37% a month earlier, the company reported.
Despite many challenges, more and more Poles seem to look optimistically into the future. By 4 percentage points, the percentage of upholdings increasing personal income to 48%, and 38% (+1 percentage points) expect an improvement in the financial situation. And so 65% of respondents, 5 percentage points less than the previous edition of the study, assumes an increase in the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages. The higher prices of clothing, on the other hand, are predicted by 56% of respondents (-3 points%). The percentage of people indicating a possible increase in prices of alcohol and tobacco and fuel prices (65 % and 68 %, respectively) remains unchanged. 72% (+2 percentage points) forecast an increase in the cost of home media, it further reported.
The prospect of higher bills is one of the reasons for the concern of Poles about the condition of personal finances. Rising living costs are a particular challenge for people who find it difficult to postpone part of their earnings at the end of the month, which in turn translates into concerns about the state of their savings. At the same time, fewer and fewer consumers expect food price increases, and almost every second person assumes an increase in personal income. So it can be risked to say that in the coming months, the mood regarding the personal financial situation should be improved, Deloitte reported
The uneasy about future price levels applies not only to Poland, but also to other countries. The largest percentage of residents who fear further cost increases were recorded in South Africa (84%), Spain (82%), France (82%) and Mexico (76%). At the top of the inflation concerns are the Netherlands (73%), India (67%), Japan (63%) and Saudi Arabia (62%).
The latest version of the study was conducted at the end of January 2024. It was the 51st edition conducted globally and 42nd, in which the Polish consumers took part. In total, Deloitte experts surveyed 19 countries, in addition to Poland, were citizens of: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Arab Emirates.
Source: Deloitte and ISBnews