CDP recognises PORR’s sustainability initiatives with a B rating

22 February 2024

PORR is continuously taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint with a comprehensive action plan. This was also recognised by the international non-profit environmental organisation CDP. It awarded the construction company a B rating in the areas of water security and climate change. PORR was thus able to build on the good results of the previous year.

“Sustainable construction is part of an overall strategic concept at PORR; this is the only way to effectively implement many individual measures. Our commitment is reflected in the Group strategy Green and Lean. We are delighted that this achievement has once again been clearly confirmed by CDP this year,” explains PORR CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global non-profit organisation, recognised PORR’s transparency in the two areas of water security and climate change with a B grade again in 2023. This confirms the coordinated strategy with which the construction company is tackling climate change. CDP is considered the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive data set on corporate actions.

PORR ranks among the best in the industry with an A grade, particularly when it comes to preparing for future climate risks, but also in five other sub-categories. For example, it offers a comprehensive range of services that contribute to decarbonisation. This includes the renewable energy transition: Two of PORR’s major projects are the pumped storage power plants in Ebensee in Upper Austria and Forbach in Germany. PORR is responsible for the caverns and the tunnel system. However, timber construction and green building certifications are also part of the diverse service portfolio.

“In the areas of decarbonisation, the circular economy and habitat protection, we are implementing targeted, interlinked measures,” explains Strauss. These include the increased use of renewable energies and equipping sites with photovoltaic systems, the continuous improvement of energy and resource efficiency, water cycle management and the consideration of sustainability criteria in predominantly local procurement.

PORR scored particularly well with the commitment of its top management. Decarbonisation is a top priority at PORR: with its own sustainability committee and close coordination between the Corporate Sustainability department and the Executive Board, PORR’s sustainability agendas are clearly positioned.

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