Moravská Třebová will install photovoltaic on five municipal buildings

19 February 2024

Moravská Třebová in the Svitavsko region will install photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of town buildings. Solar panels with a total output of 300 kilowatts (kW) will appear on five buildings by mid-2025. When selecting them, the town hall had to take into account the requirements of the heritage conservation, so it chose buildings that are not listed, the town hall said.

The most suitable were the workshop buildings in the technical services area, the Boršov Kindergarten, the Palacký Primary School, the buildings in the social services area and the gymnasium of the Olomoucká Street Primary School. Most of the energy produced in these buildings and facilities is directly consumed, which will help to significantly reduce the year-round electricity costs.

The city received CZK 8.1 million for the solar power plants from a grant from the Ministry of the Environment. It will cover three-quarters of the total eligible project costs.

Some towns in the Pardubice Region have already started building photovoltaic power plants earlier. Probably the most advanced is Chrudim, where the current plants will be joined this year by others with a total installed capacity of 221 kW, bringing the total capacity to over half a megawatt. The new sources will be located at primary schools, while the previous ones were built on the buildings of the municipality, primary and kindergarten schools, technical services, the Chrudim Beseda and the swimming pool. The panels on the stands of the summer athletics stadium also supply the neighbouring ice rink and indoor swimming pool. Solar panels have already been installed on some of its buildings, for example in Ústí nad Orlicí.

Source: CTK

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