The Investment Expert Committee of the Prague Development Company (IEV PDS), consisting of renowned experts Martin Bendík, Jaromír Haince, Martin Hvězda, Lukáš Kohl and Miroslav Singer, has been granted a new term of office by a decision of the Prague City Council. The term of office was extended for another three years. The IEV is an advisory body to the PDS, which independently assesses projects prepared by the PDS, discusses possible risks and recommends appropriate solutions. It was established in January 2021 and meets regularly twice a year.
“The Investment Expert Committee is an independent advisory body whose opinions are an essential part of the preparation of the economic and technical aspects of the urban development that PDS is working on and the decision-making process of the Capital City Council. The Council’s decision-making process for approving investment costs. They are another guarantee of the quality and overall efficiency required by the city for its projects,” says Petr Hlaváček, Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague.
“The cooperation with the members of the PDS Expert Committee, consisting of Martin Bendík (real estate law), Jaromír Hainc (urban planning), Martin Hvězda (pricing costs and construction organisation), Lukáš Kohl (architecture, development and real estate analysis) and Miroslav Singer (economics), has proved its worth over the past three years and I am pleased that both the capital city and these experts have agreed to extend their mandate for another term,” says Petr Urbánek, Director of the PDS.
The Prague Development Company (PDS) was established on the initiative of Petr Hlaváček on 1 June 2020 as a contributory organisation of the City of Prague. Its objective is to value the real estate assets of the capital city. Prague’s real estate assets and the preparation of projects, especially urban rental housing, with the aim of expanding the city’s housing stock owned by the city, which may be available especially for the so-called preferred professions. By decision of the City Council, the PDS has been handed over to the management of more than 700,000 m2 of land owned by the City of Prague, on which the construction of 6,000 – 8,000 flats is expected to take place over a period of up to 10 years.