Cordelia Grabosch to Become Next Department Head of Risk Management at INTREAL

2 February 2024

Effective as of 1 January 2024, Cordelia Grabosch (40) has assumed the role of Department Head Risk Management at IntReal International Real Estate Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. She succeeded Annika Dylong to the job, who was appointed Managing Director of REAX Advisory GmbH.

After her professional training as banker, Cordelia Grabosch obtained a degree in business administration and went on to enrol in a work-study program at EBS University, completing it with a degree in real estate economics. Her professional career began in the risk management / finance unit of an internationally active industrial company, followed by successive stints with an internationally leading auditing firm, a bank and an insurance company before she transferred to INTREAL as risk controller in 2015. In May 2017, she was placed in charge of the Risk Controlling team, heading it since.

Andreas Ertle, Managing Director at INTREAL, commented: “We are particularly happy to have found an in-house expert with the perfect skill set to fill a position that is endowed with as much responsibility as the leadership of the Risk Management department. Cordelia Grabosch has already demonstrated her high-level professional qualification in the areas of risk management and risk controlling through her past activities, and is thoroughly familiar both with our company in general and with the tasks she will now be taking on.”

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