Spectral Mobilă invests RON 8.5 million for construction of a logistics centre

31 January 2024

Furniture manufacturer Spectral Mobila has started building a logistics centre near the company’s factory in Tutova, Vaslui county. The investment is estimated at RON 8.5 million, of which RON 6.5 million represents financing contracted with UniCredit Bank.

The project aims to build six warehouses, with a total storage area of over 3,500 sqm, so that, in the end, the area on which the factory will operate will exceed 37,000 sqm.

“The new location will be used for the storage of finished products which will allow us to optimise our stocks, and the halls inside the factory that we used to use as warehouses will be integrated into the production flows, which will allow us to increase our production capacity,” says Dan Dodiță, Managing Director of Spectral Mobila SA.

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