ROCA Industry approves the issuance of over 14 million new shares in a private placement

18 January 2024

ROCA Industry, the first industrial holding of construction materials in Romania, announces the completion of the first stage in which 926,872 new shares were subscribed with a nominal value of 10 RON each, with a total nominal value of 9,268,720 RON, and the start of the second stage of the capital increase consisting of a private placement, having as its object the actions not subscribed in the first stage.

The object of the private placement is a total number of 14,073,128 new shares, with a nominal value of 10 RON/share, of which a number of 5,641,277 new shares will be issued as a result of compensation with certain claims owed by ROCA Industry to ROCA Investments, the difference being offered for subscription in exchange for cash contributions. The total value of the capitalization round through private placement amounts to RON 140.7 million.

At the end of 2023, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) approved the prospectus for the capital increase with a maximum of RON 150 million, and the admission to trading of ROCA Industry shares on the regulated market of the Stock Exchange Bucharest (BVB).

The holding company aims to further strengthen its position in the construction materials industry in Romania and aims to use the funds resulted following the capital increase for investments in strategic projects and the expansion of the portfolio of companies and products.

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