Czech Post did not receive any interested parties for the purchase of the building on Jindřišská

3 January 2024

The Czech Post has not received any interested parties for the purchase of the main building in Jindřišská Street in the centre of Prague. The starting price was CZK 1.538 billion. Similarly, no buyer was found for the post office building in Moravská Street in Vinohrady with a starting price of CZK 62.4 million. Matyáš Vitík, spokesman for the Post Office announced today.

Those interested in participating in the tender had to register by 20 December, otherwise they could not submit envelopes with bids. The deadline for their submission was 9 January. “We are currently dealing with the legal procedure. We are still counting on the sale of the complex this year,” Vitík said. According to him, the post office will also negotiate with the Prague municipality, which expressed interest in the buildings and had the opportunity to match the highest bid in the tender.

The branch of the main post office is to be preserved after the eventual sale and the new owner will have to conclude a lease agreement with the post office for it, as well as for some other parts of the building. The building currently houses, among other things, the management of the company.

The building was built between 1871 and 1890 and its first major alteration was between 1896 and 1899. Further major alterations took place between 1912 and 1920 and 1921. This was the basis for the valuation of the property, which was the basis for the calculation of the asking price. Between 1996 and 1999, builders carried out a major renovation of the property.

By selling the property, the Postal Service is trying to stabilize its operations. In 2022, it ended with a loss of CZK 1.7 billion, and the company expects a drop last year as well. Within two years, the business is to be transformed into a branch operator and a commercial parcel company.

Source: Czech Post and CTK
Photo: Wikipedia

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