The Czech Financial Administration has launched hotlines for filing property tax returns

3 January 2024

The Financial Administration has launched specialised information lines where people can get advice on filing real estate tax returns. In January, specialists from the Financial Administration will also travel to municipalities where there are no permanent tax offices to help people with their returns on the spot. A list of phone lines and the departures is on the website of the Financial Administration. Property tax returns are due by the end of January, and more taxpayers will be affected this year due to changes included in the consolidation package.

“We receive about half a million property tax returns each year. This year, in addition, around 100,000 existing taxpayers will be obliged to do so, due to legislative changes effective from 1 January 2024. This is mainly due to the introduction of the rule of taxing certain real estate according to its registration in the cadastre, not according to its actual use,” said Simona Hornochová, Director General of the Financial Administration.

The obligation to file a tax return will now apply to some owners of garages who have them registered in the cadastre but have not used them for this purpose. In some cases, it will affect rooms in residential houses rented to tourists or paved areas for parking agricultural machinery. A full list of the changes was published by the Revenue at the end of last year.

“We know that this tax is complex for citizens, which is why we will significantly strengthen our information service this year. Throughout January, we will be ready to advise on dedicated telephone lines and we will extend office hours at tax offices across the country. Of course, we are not forgetting the more remote regions and municipalities where we no longer have a brick-and-mortar office. Our experts will make hundreds of trips to help citizens with their tax returns,” said Hornochová.

The phone lines will be open throughout January from 08:00 to 17:00 on Mondays to Thursdays and 08:00 to 14:00 on Fridays. From 22 January to 2 February, office hours at the tax offices will be from 08:00 to 17:00 on Mondays to Thursdays and from 08:00 to 14:00 on Fridays. The deadline for filing property tax returns is 31 January. The tax is due by the end of May, with a second payment due by the end of November if the tax is split.

The base coefficient for property tax is also changing this year, increasing to 1.8 times. In addition, municipalities can adjust their local coefficients as they do every year. The change in the coefficients will be taken into account by the Tax Administration when calculating the tax, it is not necessary to file a tax return just for the sake of it. The property tax revenue goes exclusively to the municipalities.

Source: CTK

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