Trei Real Estate GmbH (“Trei”), an international developer and asset holder for residential and retail real estate, just opened the 38th retail park of its Vendo Park brand in Poland. The property is located in Konin, a town of around 80,000 residents in the Greater Poland voivodeship. The new Vendo Park has a lettable area of around 5,400 square meters, with units let to Aldi (supermarket), Rossmann (drugstore), Pepco (textiles and interior decoration), Dealz (discount store), Kakadu (pet supplies), Sinsay (clothing) and Piekarnia Grochola (delicatessen). On the whole, Trei invested c. 6.4 million euros in the property.
The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary for Vendo Parks in Poland: In October of 2013, Trei opened its first site in Nysa, a city in the Opole voivodeship in the south of the country. In the years since, the company’s Vendo Park portfolio has grown to a total of 38 retail parks. In 2023 alone, six new retail parks with a combined lettable area of around 29,700 square meters were opened in Poland. In addition to the latest opening in Konin, these recent additions include the Vendo Parks in Lubin, Lapy, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Krakow and Zambrow. Among the tenants occupying the just opened Vendo Parks are food retailers and drugstores such as Biedronka and Rossmann but also retailers from the fashion and consumer electronics segments, such as Pepco, KiK, Woolworth or Mediaexpert. In total, Trei invested c. 35 million euros in Polish retail parks in 2023.
Pepijn Morshuis, CEO of Trei, commented: “The retail park segment in Poland continues to offer significant potential for growth. While the market share of shopping centers is shrinking due to changed shopping behaviour on the customer side, the number of retail parks keeps on growing. Moreover, they have long ceased to be seen mainly as sites for large-scale supermarkets. In our Vendo Parks, just like in other retail parks, the retail line-up is supplemented by services and brands from the fashion, footwear and jewellery segments, providing shoppers with a greater retail diversity close to home.”
Trei’s plans for 2024 include further investments to expand the company’s Vendo Park portfolio by opening six or seven new sites, e. g. in Ciechanow, Mogilno, Kostrzyn nad Odra and Sroda Slaska.