Orlen has published a new strategy for sustainable development 2024-2030

18 December 2023

Orlen published a strategy for sustainable development for the years 2024-2030, the company said. The document sets out the organization’s approach and objectives in the area of climate minimization, environmental protection, as well as working conditions, cooperation with local communities and responsible management. By 2035, the group plans to complete electricity and heat production in coal assets, largely replacing them with less emission-based and modern technologies.

“Sustainable growth pays off. That is why we want to be its leader in the region. Adopting and implementing a new, comprehensive strategy in this area is another confirmation for our investors that we are a reliable and reliable partner, and for ourselves the opportunity to further develop. We consistently pursue our goals, ensuring energy security of Central Europe, while taking care of the natural environment, good relations with the environment and safe working conditions for all employees. By acting responsibly, we can obtain even more effectively financing for further strategic projects, including those related to the development of renewable energy sources. Thanks to this, we are strengthening our position on the market, and by 2050, in line with the assumptions, we will be an emission-neutral company,” said President Daniel Obajtek.

The document is based on five key pillars (climate, environment, employees, communities, governance) where the defined objectives relate directly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to the EU ESRS reporting standards.

In the area of climate, the ORLEN Group, as the first energy company in Central Europe, has declared its ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. By 2030, it will reduce emissions in refinery, petrochemical and mining segments by 25% (compared to 2019). In addition, it will reduce the intensity of CO2 emissions by 40% in the energy sector. In addition, the NCI intensity factor, relating to the total energy sold by the Orlen Group, will be reduced by 15%.

By 2035, the group plans to complete electricity and heat production in coal assets, largely replacing them with less emission-based and modern technologies.

In the area of the environment, Orlen is consistently looking for innovative solutions that will strengthen the competitiveness of business, and at the same time have a positive impact on the environment. The company will create a comprehensive action plan to protect biodiversity in areas of its activities, and will implement a unified policy of sustainable water and wastewater economy across the group. It also effectively implements the assumptions of the circular economy. One of the key investments in this area is the “Blue Bridge” project, which assumes the treatment of wastewater from the treatment plants operated by the Płock Waterworks to the quality corresponding to the parameters of process water and its reuse in the production plant of Orlen in Płock, located by approx. 5 km from the discharge of wastewater. This will allow for a reduction of approx. 25% of Vistula water abstraction used in selected technological processes.

The Orlen Group will also build an installation for the thermal transformation of hazardous wastes (ITPON), medical and veterinary with a capacity of at least 50,000 tons per year, which will support the liquidation of such hazardous substances in Poland. In addition, PGNiG Termika, a company from the Orlen Group, plans to transform 40 ha of industrial land in Warsaw into green areas by 2025, resulting in increased biodiversity. Actions are also consistently taken to make car washes at Orlen stations more environmentally friendly. By 2030, water consumption will be reduced by 30-60% and 20% of chemicals.

In line with the new strategy for sustainable development in relation to employees, the company will become even more involved in ensuring the best and safest working conditions, while adapting the offer of professional competences to the individual needs of employees. Initiatives promoting, among others, cancer prevention, as well as employee volunteering, which currently involves 3,000 employees to 25,000 beneficiaries, will also be announced.

Finally, one of the key initiatives that the company will implement in the coming years is the Fair Transformation Programme. It will respond to the social needs of residents from areas under the process of transforming the economy from high-carbon to low- and zero-emission. Currently, Orlen is carrying out many projects that help local communities, but also activate their residents to work together. It is, among others, the sponsorship of the sport of children and youth, under which approx. 300,000 children from all over Poland take part in sports programs implemented by companies from the Orlen Group. Since 2018, the “My place on Earth” program has also been run, from which grants with a total value of PLN 11 million were obtained by nearly 1.3 thousand organizations, mainly from rural areas. For 20 years, Orlen has also supported the Volunteer and State Fire Service units, which thanks to grants with a total value of PLN 21 million have been equipped, among others, in cars, drones and specialist clothing.

In the area of Orlen’s management, the company will carry out activities that will enable the implementation of due diligence throughout the ORLEN Group’s value chain to ensure that partners, suppliers and other stakeholders also meet the assumptions of sustainable development. Work on the central cybersecurity management model of the ORLEN Group will also be intensified. The Group’s aim will also be to ensure respect for human rights throughout the value chain, cohesion and social equality, is summarised.

Source: Orlen Group and ISBnews

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