Karlovy Vary former computer technology building appearance to change

12 December 2023

SUAS GROUP and Sokolovská uhelná will renovate the building of the former Computer Technology Enterprise in Karlovy Vary. The plan is to build an energy trading centre and the headquarters of Karlovarská plynárenská. The building in the centre of the spa town is also to undergo major external modifications. It will return to its original form with a gable roof and dormers, Pavel Tomek, chairman of the supervisory boards of Sokolovská uhelná and SUAS Group, announced.

The current form of the building was designed in the early 1990s. It is dominated by a steel structure at the front of the building and a roof extension with round windows. The architects now propose to remove these elements. The problem with this design is that, in their opinion, it does not fit into the historic character of the conservation area of T. G. Masaryk and Varšavská Streets.

The architectural study of the exterior of the four-storey building has already been completed, and now the interior is being finished. The architects are consulting the conservationists about the new look of the building. The intention is to bring the building closer to its original appearance from the middle of the last century, with a gable roof with classical dormers.

Next year the company wants to have complete project documentation ready to obtain a building permit. Construction work is expected to begin in the second half of 2025. The cost is tens of millions of crowns.

The mining company took ownership of the building at the end of last year. The lower floors are now a shop, offices and surgeries, while the upper part is almost empty. After the reconstruction, SUAS Group wants to use it as a communication point for its activities. The intention is to use it to build an office space and a client centre for the energy trade.

“We are not only producers of electricity, but we are also sellers of electricity, which is the reason why we entered the Karlovy Vary Gas Company. We want to have access to the end customer, we want to not only sell electricity and gas on our regional market, but also offer all the solutions for modern energy,” Tomek said.

Source: CTK

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