Passerinvest Group, a.s. has presented its ESG strategy and the specific goals it wants to achieve in the future. Passerinvest actively and long term supports the efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all member states of the UN Council in 2015. Through a series of measures, it has set a set of goals in its ESG strategy related to reducing its carbon footprint, energy consumption, reducing the amount of water consumed and non-recyclable waste produced, developing superior partnerships within local communities or creating a welcoming environment for employees, tenants and neighbours.
“Our company has always behaved responsibly and with respect for the environment, as well as in social and supply chain issues. On environmental issues, in addition to the pressure to reduce our carbon footprint, energy and resources in general, we have long placed a strong emphasis on blue-green infrastructure (green roofs, parks, water features, paved roads, polders) and biodiversity development. On social issues, our priority is to create pleasant, safe and functional facilities and environments for our employees, tenants and residents from near and far. In management, we strive to set high moral standards for our own company, but we expect a similar approach from our clients and suppliers. However, we are now entering an era where sustainability issues are becoming quantified and formalised and are important not only to us, but also to financial institutions and our clients. That is why we have already prepared a non-financial report for 2022 (a legal obligation only from 2025), in which all areas falling under the ESG agenda are described in detail,” said Martin Unger, CTO of Passerinvest, who is responsible for the ESG agenda.
As part of the implementation of the ESG strategy, the individual policies and goals that Passerinvest intends to work towards in the future have been defined.
E (environmental): Respect for the environment.
The company aims to implement an environmentally sustainable and environmentally friendly approach in the construction and operation of all office and residential buildings. Continue to contribute to the protection of natural resources and actively seek opportunities to reduce negative environmental impacts. The expected outcome will be a reduction in carbon footprint along with energy consumption, as well as a significant reduction in the amount of non-recycled waste produced and potable water consumption.
S (social): Care for tenants and staff i Shaping and supporting local development.
In the social area, the company will continue to focus on providing superior quality services to its employees and tenants. Their satisfaction is a top priority for Passerinvest. It is a constant endeavour to be a responsible builder, manager, neighbour and partner whose approach promotes social development and creates long-term value for society. The goal is to achieve long-term tenant and client satisfaction and to keep employee turnover low. The intention is also to continue to develop superior partnerships within local communities and to evaluate and maximise the social value of the projects undertaken.
G (Governance): Ethical and transparent management.
Passerinvest prides itself on the moral and ethical values enshrined in the biblical Ten Commandments. It is a priority to honour these values in relation to both employees and business partners. All employees will complete Code of Conduct training in sustainability and effective whistleblower protection will be set up. A Sustainable Purchasing Policy has also been introduced and sustainability training for key suppliers will take place.
All information on the ESG agenda, strategy, activities and a full non-financial report is available on the Passerinvest website link below: