The valuation of the Real Estate Fund of ATRIS Investment Company, one of the oldest professionally managed real estate funds in the Czech Republic, has reached 90.2 percent since its inception in 2009. This cumulative result was achieved by the fund as the first among all Czech retail real estate funds. It has maintained its stability despite turbulent economic fluctuations, such as the financial crisis at the end of the first decade of the 21st century or the coronavirus pandemic. Not only thanks to its stability, the fund offers long-term and regular performance with sustainable risk.
“Stability, continuity, sustainability. These are the three words that undoubtedly characterise an investment in the special Real Estate Fund. A client who kept his investment in the fund throughout its 14-year life would have seen his investment almost double in value. Each year, the Realita Fund has appreciated its clients’ funds by an average of 4.56% p.a.,” says Tomáš Jícha, the fund’s portfolio manager.
During the fund’s existence, the real estate market has gone through several turbulent periods. “Let us recall the reverberations and consequences of the financial crisis of 2008/2009, but above all the consequences of measures against the coronavirus pandemic. And despite these difficult periods, the Real Estate Fund has maintained its growth trend and ensured its clients a stable and continuous growth of their investments. The history of the Realita Fund confirms the sustainability of real estate investments as a conservative component of a sound investment portfolio,” adds Tomáš Jícha.
“Among the aspects that have contributed in a good sense to the quality result of the last few years are also the proceeds from the sale of properties in Liberec and Ústí nad Labem and the completion of the acquisition of the real estate company ARE Ruzyně, a. s., which owns the building of a service and administration centre in Prague 6,” explains Tomáš Jícha.
In 2024, ATRIS IS is preparing further news for Fond Realita. The plan is to further diversify the existing portfolio and expand it with other attractive projects and promising properties in order to ensure a good and sustainable long-term return with a positive impact on clients’ investments.