Swisspor buys Romanian insulation manufacturer BriothermXPS

22 November 2023

The Swisspor Group, one of the leading developers, manufacturers and suppliers of products and services for energy efficiency and aesthetic building envelope, has signed for the acquisition of the Romanian manufacturer of thermal insulation materials BriothermXPS, with business of RON 184.7 million in 2022.

The deal is in the process of being finalized, with conditions to be met after signing, including the approval of the Competition Council, according to KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații, KPMG Advisory and KPMG Tax, which is assisting swisspor Group in the takeover.

Laura Toncescu, Head of KPMG Legal, and Dragoș Iamandoiu, Senior Managing Associate, KPMG Legal, coordinated the legal assistance on the transaction, acting for swisspor Group with the support of colleagues Sandra Frunzulică (Managing Associate), Andreea Liviță (Managing Associate), Adina Popescu (Senior Associate) and Lavinia Nistor (Senior Associate).

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