Český Krumlov will invest tens of millions of CZK in housing next year

31 October 2023

Český Krumlov is planning to invest more in housing next year than in other years, tens of millions of CZK. It is also planning to repair the Edvard Beneš Bridge and will invest many millions in repairs to the wastewater treatment plant. So far, it plans a budget for 2024 with revenues of CZK 528 million, expenditures of CZK 565 million and a deficit of CZK 37 million, which it will cover from this year’s surplus. The city will still adjust the amounts, according to deputy mayor Zbyněk Toman (ODS). The councillors will still discuss the capital, i.e. investment, expenditure.

“We want to invest in housing, that is a priority, in the preparation of areas and projects that we have already started. For some of the investments, it will be a type of cooperative housing, meaning the city will put in the land and the cooperative will take the loan for the construction. In some places it will be a renovation, like the house above the hospital, where there will probably be rental housing, starter apartments for young people. Compared to this year’s budget, we are doubling, I think to 20 million, the spending on sidewalk and bridge repairs,” Toman said.

The city will unveil its housing development plans on Nov. 14 at the Brewery Restaurant. They include the construction of 30 flats in Vyšné in the form of cooperative housing, the renovation of 18 flats in Nad Nemocnicí Street, the preparation of a home for the elderly in Vyšné, family housing in Vyšehrad, a plan for an apartment building in Vyšehrad, and the preparation of areas for the construction of family houses in Nový Spoli and Horní Brána. It follows from the information on the city’s website.

The repair of the Edvard Beneš Bridge, which will start next autumn and last until spring 2025, will cost about 35 million. The repairs will cost over 100 million over the next few years. Otherwise, we’d like to keep all city organizations and departments at the maximum of the same budget as they were in 2023,” the vice mayor said.

Český Krumlov, which is home to about 13,000 people, has a budget with CZK 508.6 million in revenues and CZK 658.6 million in expenditures this year after adjustments. The deficit of 150 million is covered by money left over from previous years.

Source: CTK

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