One of the last empty houses on the Old Square in Sokolov is apparently awaiting reconstruction. The town hall wants to apply for a subsidy from the Operational Programme of Fair Transformation (OPST) to help with the transformation of three coal regions in the Czech Republic. The cost is estimated at CZK 32 million. Once completed, it could house an information centre or flats, Jan Picka (nez.), according to deputy mayor of Sokolov..
“The house where the Egerius company used to be is not in good condition, it is abandoned. The town bought it at the time precisely because we care about the appearance of the Old Square, because it is the dominant feature and the heart of our town,” Picka said.
The house is one of three buildings on Old Square that have not been repaired and remain vacant. In addition, it is adjacent to the recently built city library. But it is the only unrepaired building belonging to the city. The other two buildings belong to private owners.
According to the project, the total cost of the reconstruction of the building is CZK 32 million. The town hall wants to build an information centre on the ground floor to revive the Old Square. It would be another tourist destination in the vicinity of the Sokolov museum, church or monastery. Several apartments are being considered for the upper floors, which are in demand in Sokolov.
The town hall wants to get money for the project from the Operational Programme of Fair Transformation for the renewal of the area. According to the deputy mayor, CZK 220 million has been earmarked for the Sokolov region. The subsidy should make up to 85 percent of the eligible costs. Sokolov, which has about 23,000 inhabitants, has already submitted six projects to the call, such as the construction of a cycle path and school equipment.
Source: Sokolov and CTK