A unique concept has been created in the city’s logistics centre P3 Bratislava Airport. PALK has opened the Oldtimer Gallery – Museum of Veterans, where over 80 cars from the “Made in Czechoslovakia” era are on display on two floors and an area of over 1,400 sqm. The museum also includes premises suitable for the organisation of corporate events with a total capacity of 1,500 people.
PALK operates the Pálffy Manor Resort and the VIAJUR winery in Svatý Jur. It leased 800 sqm in P3 Bratislava Airport last March for its online store and Selaví wine shop, where it also offers a range of other products from the ZAR family of brands, which now includes Mozart coffee, Pálffy Brauerei craft beers, spirits, honey and lavender products in addition to wines. Visitors to the wine shop and the vintage museum can now sample all this.
“It is clear from the name Selaví that the aim is to enjoy life with all the pleasant moments that go with it, while tasting new flavours and trying new things. We are opening the wine shop and the vintage museum to the general public to experience what it is like to be in the shoes of a true bon vivant, bringing the experience of flavours combined with a touch of history,” described Miro Balla, Sales Director of the Selaví distribution company. The concept as a whole requires a large industrial space that will allow both to display the historic vehicles and to store the distribution company’s goods. Michal Balla adds: “We are delighted that we have managed to find such premises in the P3 Bratislava Airport urban logistics centre, which is close to the capital, accessible to the general public and at the same time ready to respond flexibly to our needs when we need to expand.”
“The combination of the idea of a wine shop and a museum of historic vehicles is an accurate demonstration that logistics parks do not have to be just a place for industry, but can also be used to revitalise the cultural and social life of a city. This is confirmed by the interest of the general public and the number of visitors since the first day of opening,” added Peter Jánoši, Managing Director of P3 Logistic Parks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The Oldtimer Gallery – Veterans Museum is open year-round from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Visitors can enjoy cars and motorbikes of the Aero, Jawa, Minor, Praga, Škoda, Tatra, Walter, Wikov or Zbrojovka brands manufactured between 1920 and 1975.
P3 Bratislava Airport is located by the city bypass, close to the D4 exit and the D1 motorway, just one kilometre from Bratislava Airport. It offers up to 91,000 sqm of modern retail space with the possibility to build more than 6,000 sqm of bespoke office space. Its space and facilities are suitable for logistics, retail, e-commerce, light manufacturing and showrooms. The P3 Bratislava Airport Urban Business Park has a BREEAM Very Good environmental certification.