Czech Post offered to sell real estate for a quarter billion crowns

11 October 2023

Czech Post has offered unneeded real estate for sale for approximately a quarter of a billion crowns. There are 18 offers, some of them repeated several times. The highest bidding price is for a house with land on Poděbradovo náměstí in Prostějov for CZK 39 million. At the same time, the Post Office has launched an information campaign to support the sale of the property, according to its website.

The company is also offering buildings in Vlašim, Šenov u Nového Jičína, Kraslice and České Budějovice by electronic auction. It also wants to sell land in Prague’s Strašnice. The post office building in Chřibská in the Děčín region is for sale repeatedly.

The reason for the sale of real estate is an effort to stabilise the company’s management before its transformation. “Czech Post is offering to buy real estate for which it no longer has a use in its current operation. These are real estate assets owned by the state with the right of management of ČP, the sale is governed primarily by the Act on State Enterprise. The sale of selected properties will continue next year. The most valuable property on offer will be the headquarters of the Czech Post in Prague 1,” said spokesman Ivo Vysoudil.

If the Czech Post assesses that a particular property is not needed for its further operation, it will have an expert opinion prepared by an accredited expert. The appraisal will also determine the lowest offer price at which the building will be offered for sale, in the form of a tender. Subsequently, the Post Office management will approve the intention to sell, which will then be published on the public administration portal for 30 days. Within this period, state organisations and enterprises may apply for the transfer of the property. In that case, the Czech Post will transfer the property at the usual price according to an expert’s report. If no one expresses interest in the property when the offer is published on the public administration portal, it may be sold by auction.

An accompanying marketing campaign will run until the end of November in national newspapers. The aim is to reach as wide a range of the population as possible, because according to Vysoudil, the properties on offer are suitable not only for companies, but some of them may also appeal to people who can buy the property for recreational use, for example.

Recently, the Post Office offered real estate in Prague’s Pankrác by electronic auction. However, it eventually cancelled the competition with a bid of approximately CZK 400 million without giving any reason. The winning fund, Cream, complained about the company’s procedure for allegedly violating the terms of the auction.

Source: Czech Post and CTK

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