RUECKERCONSULT GmbH, a management consultancy for communications tasks in the real estate industry operating across Germany, has appointed Susanne Edelmann (39) and Daniel Sohler (44) to its senior management as of 1 January 2024. The two will join the incumbent senior management members Christof Hardebusch, Nikolaus von Raggamby, and Thomas Rücker. RUECKERCONSULT currently advises about 60 companies in the real estate sector and employs a total of 35 professionals at its offices in Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Freiburg, and Munich.
Nikolaus von Raggamby, CEO of RUECKERCONSULT, commented: “We are putting our senior management on a broader basis and at the same time are initiating a generational shift. Susanne Edelmann has been with RUECKERCONSULT for around two years, Daniel Sohler for nearly a decade. Both bring long-term experience in the strategic consultancy of real estate and investment fund companies to the job and have already proven instrumental in building up the company. Together, we will continue to develop both the consulting segment and the event segment at all our branch offices.”
Thomas Rücker, Managing Partner of RUECKER Holding GmbH, added: “Our consulting unit is in good hands, and I’m very glad that we were able to win Susanne Edelmann and Daniel Sohler, two experienced PR professionals, for the senior management of RUECKERCONSULT.” Rücker went on to say: “Our events business unit has seriously prospered over the past years – worth highlighting in this context are specifically INVESTMENTexpo, the network event for institutional investors and for real estate and infrastructure investors, and the Annual Congress on Financing.”
RUECKERCONSULT is currently preparing a professional practice conference on the subject of ESG and real estate, among other events. Its first edition will be convened under the name ESG Factory in Berlin in January 2024. Nikolaus von Raggamby explains: “ESG is one of the main future topics for the real estate industry. We see plenty of synergies with many of our clients here and serious potential for growth.”
Christof Hardebusch, Managing Director of RUECKERCONSULT in Cologne, added: “We will also continue to develop our existing design-and-build conference. The idea is to expand it under the new PLENBA label into a congress for a fresh way of thinking and acting when planning cities, urban blocks, and single properties. PLENBA is an acronym based on the German words for planning, developing, and building. The first edition of the new conference is scheduled for late autumn of 2024.”
Susanne Edelmann looks back on 17 years of professional experience, thereof around 14 years in the real estate investment sector. Before her transfer to RUECKERCONSULT, she headed the corporate communications unit of the HIH Group and the INTREAL third-party AIFM for eight years, having previously served as communication consultant at Dr. ZitelmannPB (since renamed PB3C) and in the real estate team of Edelman.ergo for seven years.
Daniel Sohler has a professional track record of 17 years and worked as a real estate analyst for the Scope rating agency and for Dr. ZitelmannPB (now PB3C) for several years before transferring to RUECKERCONSULT in 2014. Thematically, he focuses on advising clients on aspects involving investment funds, AIFM, and regulations.