A space for a forest park and housing could be created in Vyškov. In connection with the planned double-tracking of the railway line, the town could restore the area with old building burdens in the Na Hraničkách locality, which still contains areas and buildings owned by the agricultural company Lukrom. However, according to the town, the company is considering a decline in its operations in Vyškov. Vyškov informed about it on its website.
The site is partially built up with operational buildings, access roads or areas for material handling, storage and parking. “This is a huge area of interest located west of the city centre. Many of us have driven past them for years, but few realize what is inside the area. In any case, the area is strategic for the further development of the city, especially by strengthening the transport infrastructure,” said Deputy Mayor Karel Goldemund (VY association).
The company stored agricultural commodities in its centre in Vyškov and concentrated on the production of compound feed. According to the city, early discussions have shown that it is considering shutting down the Vyškov operation. “In view of the development projects related to the modernisation of the railway, this was a significant impulse for us. With the relocation of the Lukrom operation and the long-discussed relocation of the freight station to the edge of the Sochorova industrial zone, the possibility of providing better and shorter routes to Sídliště Osvobození and to Hraničky has fundamentally opened up for us, with the idea that we would regenerate and open up the whole area. This could create a new modern central zone of the city,” said Dušan Jakoubek, head of the Department of Spatial Planning and Development.
There are several entities doing business in the area, with whom the representatives of the town hall have been negotiating in the past period and are still negotiating. The city is interested in demolishing the current buildings and landscaping, after which a forest park could be built there, and eventually also residential buildings or a commercial zone.
“We want to present the individual steps to the councillors and, of course, to the public in Vyškov. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, especially in connection with land issues, so that we can submit an application for a subsidy for the redevelopment of the entire area at the beginning of next year. This will clear the way for a new use of the voluminous area, which will first of all bring a positive change in the solution of transport services and in shortening the walking routes for the residents of Osvobozenie and Hraničky. In a relatively short future, not only a forest park, but also pavements, public areas and a cycle path would be created in the area,” said the vice-mayor of Vyškov.
The line between Brno and Přerov has one track and is insufficient in terms of capacity; the current single-track line will be replaced by a double-track line. In Vyškov, the modernisation of the line will change the appearance of the railway station and its surroundings. The total cost of the works between Brno and Přerov will exceed CZK 80 billion. Vyškov will be affected by the second and third stages of construction at the end of the current decade, probably most significantly in 2029.
Source: CTK
Photo: vyskov-mesto.cz