Erbud Group’s order backlog amounted to PLN 2.8bn at the end of H1 2023

7 September 2023

Erbud Group entered the second half of 2023 with an order backlog of approximately PLN 2.8 billion, the company said.

Erbud Group entered the second half of 2023 with an order backlog of approximately PLN 2.8 billion. The value of the portfolio attributable to 2023 is approximately PLN 1.6 billion. In comparison, in the same period of the previous year, the value of the portfolio as at 30 June 2022 was PLN 2.4 billion, of which PLN 1.7 billion was attributable to 2022. In January-August 2023, the Group signed contracts worth approximately PLN 1,538 million, the company announced in its quarterly report.

The company also said that at the end of June 2023, the order backlog in the domestic cubature business stood at PLN 1.1 billion compared to PLN 1.7 billion at the end of June 2022, with PLN 0.69 billion for H2 2023.

In June 2023, the foreign order book stood at PLN 0.6bn. compared with PLN 0.3 billion in the corresponding period of 2022, with PLN 0.56 billion attributable to H2 2023.

At the end of June 2023, the road and engineering segment has an order backlog of PLN 0.229bn, of which PLN 0.2bn is due in 2023. In the comparable period of 2022, the segment’s portfolio was PLN 0.15 billion.

At the end of June 2023, the RES segment had an order backlog of PLN 0.56 billion, of which PLN 0.39 billion is due in 2023. In the comparable period of 2022, the segment’s portfolio amounted to PLN 0.47 billion.

At the end of June 2023, the overseas energy service segment had an order backlog of PLN 0.23 billion, of which PLN 0.15 billion is due in 2023. In the comparable period of 2022, the portfolio in this segment was PLN 0.12 billion.

At the end of June 2023, the industrial services segment had an order backlog of PLN 0.1 billion, of which PLN 0.08 billion is due in 2023. In the comparable period of 2022, the segment’s portfolio was PLN 0.15 billion.

Source: Erbud Group and ISBnews

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