The pet retailer Animax is consolidating its position in the market with two new stores, in Bucharest and Alba-Iulia, after a total investment of EUR 270,000. Thus, the company reaches 131 units nationwide. By the end of the year, the retailer is aiming for 6 more expansions in the country.
The store in Bucharest opened in Cosmopolis Plaza is the first strip mall in a residential complex in the country, also includes a veterinary pharmacy, being the 29th unit in the Capital. With an area of almost 370 sqm, the new Animax store is created according to a new concept, with a modern and attractive design and an ergonomic and harmonious layout, which facilitates intuitively and quickly finding the desired products, thus providing a pleasant experience at shopping.
At the same time, Animax opens its first store in Alba-Iulia, in Carolina Mall with an area of 140 sqm.