Will there be more flats meeting the criteria of the 2% Secure Loan in new projects? What offer do companies currently have for those wishing to take advantage of this, preferential credit?
Angelika Kliś, board member of Atal S.A..
We design flats for various groups of buyers. Our portfolio includes units built with young families in mind, as well as luxury flats purchased by investors. Such a wide range of products, and thus also prices, is possible for large entities such as Atal. We do not intend to change this strategy solely because of the subsidy programme introduced. Already now its criteria are met by about 3,000 flats in our portfolio, so it is a very large offer that meets the current market demand.
Cezary Grabowski, Sales and Marketing Director of Bouygues Immobilier Polska
For many years, our company has enjoyed a reputation as a developer of functional compact flats, i.e. one-room flats of 28 sqm, two-room units of 36-40 sqm, three-room units of 54 to 62 sqm, or four-room, comfortable flats of 70 to 85 sqm. We plan our investments very carefully and this is a multi-year process, which is why the projects we have been working on for 3 years are now on sale. They meet the requirements of all customers, including those wishing to finance a flat from the 2% Safe Loan programme. Here, due to price restrictions of up to PLN 700,000 for singles and PLN 800,000 for families, compact two- and three-room flats will be the most popular. At present, we have almost 130 flats meeting these criteria on offer, mainly flats in the Lune de Malta family estate in Poznań and in the Nova Talarowa project in Tarchomin, Warsaw.
Michał Witkowski, sales director at Lokum Deweloper
In order to meet our customers’ expectations, we make sure that our flats are tailored to current market trends and attractive to a wide range of customers. The offer is prepared on the basis of site development plans and administrative decisions issued. When planning investments, we pay attention mainly to customers’ needs and preferences with a long-term perspective, not to temporary legislative solutions. The 2% secured loan has no limit on the price per square metre. Under it, it is possible to take out a loan of PLN 500,000 in the case of a single and PLN 600,000 when a couple applies for the loan. The applicable conditions of the programme allow customers to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase our flats. Our offer includes almost 150 units priced up to around PLN 600,000 and over 300 flats priced up to PLN 800,000. A huge advantage of our offer is that it consists of flats that are ready or close to completion.
Małgorzata Ostrowska, Director of the Marketing and Sales Division at J.W. Construction
Of course, we have flats on offer that meet the requirements of the 2 per cent loan, aimed at borrowers purchasing their first properties. At the moment, it is about 400 units. In August, this pool will expand with new proposals. However, we focus on building a diverse offer aimed at different customer groups on a daily basis. Thus, in our portfolio we also have typical investment flats or investments of a higher standard, aimed at a more demanding client who has a larger budget than the one usually allocated to a “first nest”.
Piotr Ludwiński, Sales and Customer Service Director at Archicom
The overriding priority in shaping Archicom’s offer is its diversification. It allows us to respond to the needs of a wide range of potential buyers and to build a universal and timeless portoflio – regardless of current trends or market conditions. Therefore, we do not plan to adapt our investments under the government’s First Flat programme, being aware that it may be extinguished in the future or its assumptions may change. Beneficiaries of the programme, who qualify for preferential financing, constitute only one of many groups of our customers, and building the foundation of our offer on them would be unjustified. Thanks to many years of consistency in introducing diverse flats for sale, each of our investments includes units eligible for the 2% Safe Loan.
Mariola Żak, sales and marketing director at Aurec Home
We build modern flats with comfortable living space at affordable prices, which is why most of the flats in our offer meet the criteria of the 2% Safe Loan programme. Further investments will also be partly designed under the government’s 2% co-financing, as interest in flats under this programme is high. Buyers are most often looking for flats with an area of 35-50 sq m, i.e. two-room and compact threesomes. A part of the purchase-sale transactions of flats is also concluded by people who do not benefit from government subsidies, but decided to buy a flat in fear of price increases.
Andrzej Gutowski, Vice-President, Sales Director, Ronson Development
At the moment we have prepared a pool of 300 flats that meet the criteria of the programme. In Warsaw, two- and three-room flats in the Ursus Centralny and Miasto Moje projects qualify, as well as the EKO Falenty project, where terraced houses are being built. In Wrocław – flats in the Viva Jagodno project, while in Poznań the programme covers flats in the Grunwaldzka 240 project, and in Szczecin – in both of the company’s projects there – Nowe Warzymice and Nowa Północ.
Tomasz Kaleta, Sales Department Director, Develia S.A.
Due to the long time of the investment preparation process, which can take up to two years depending on the location, it is difficult to talk about developers adjusting their offer to the needs of the 2% Safe Loan. Undoubtedly, the programme contributed to the revival of demand, especially in projects from the popular segment or in cheaper locations, where customers using mortgage loans were the dominant group. Due to high interest rates and lack of creditworthiness, investments have been put on hold in recent months. The return of this group of buyers will stimulate supply in this segment of the market. All the more so because this time the government support has a more accessible form. Unlike previous aid programmes, in the 2% Safe Loan there is no limit on the price per square metre of the dwelling being purchased, thanks to which a significant part of the market offer meets its requirements. Assuming that the purchaser has an own contribution of a maximum of 200,000, the purchased flat may cost as much as PLN 800,000. In Develia’s offer, this criterion is met by more than 60 per cent of the offer.
Joanna Chojecka, sales and marketing director for Warsaw and Wrocław at the Robyg Group
We are already seeing a lot of customer interest in flats that meet the guidelines of the government’s Safe Credit programme. We have more than 800 flats on offer that meet the requirements of this programme and we are fully ready to accept customer bookings.
Certainly, the government programmes will be an important support for customers and will make it easier for them to invest in their own premises. The planned financial solutions can also provide support: a cheap loan with government subsidies and a special savings account. It is important that these programmes will have such a broad coverage for people up to 45 years of age and married couples, with no limit on the price per square metre. This will ensure that the residential property market will recover very quickly and that buyers will be able to realise their own property needs.
An additional factor assisting borrowers is the announcement by the Office of the Financial Supervision Authority, which recommended a relaxation of the creditworthiness assessment conditions. Following the changes to Recommendation S 2023, banks can apply a lower buffer when calculating creditworthiness. This means that they are able to assess the customer’s ability to repay the loan more favourably. It is therefore possible to borrow more money to purchase a flat or house. The changes are particularly beneficial in the case of Secure Credit. With this product, the creditworthiness will be around 30 per cent higher than with a regular loan with a fixed interest rate and a fixed instalment.
Zuzanna Należyta, commercial director at Eco Classic
In the case of the 2 per cent loan, the basic criterion is the global price of the dwelling that allows you to benefit from a preferential loan within the applicable limits. Apart from the price of the flat, most of the conditions lie with the purchaser, hence the majority of our units qualify for the programme.
Damian Tomasik, founder of Alter Investment
Before the programme appeared, we prepared projects that respond to the diverse needs of the market. As a result, we have projects that fit perfectly into the programme, such as the one at Madalińskiego Street and Kartuska Street in Gdansk. In line with our strategy, we intend to continue an approach that takes into account first and foremost the needs of future recipients, i.e. the end users of the designed premises, and to prepare projects with them in mind. At present, we have multi-family buildings with 1-3 room flats in development, but also ones with 4-5 rooms.
Janusz Miller, Sales and Marketing Director of Home Invest
Already a few months before the planned launch of the programme, we adjusted our offer of flats and payment schedules so that customers could take advantage of preferential loan conditions. Currently, we still have a wide range of flats in Warsaw that fall within this programme. In our new developments, we also envisage an offer with this in mind.
Source: dompress.pl
Photo: Miasteczko Jutrzenki Aurec Home