The Office for State Representation in Property Matters has completed a large-scale exchange of real estate between the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Brno, thanks to which the state acquired the necessary real estate (in particular buildings used by the Constitutional and Supreme Courts and the Regional Court in Brno) for real estate needed by the City of Brno.
The value of the exchanged property exceeded three hundred million crowns on both sides. In order to compensate for the difference between the exchanged properties, the City of Brno paid the amount of CZK 9 729 864 to the ÚZSVM, which became state budget revenue.
The State acquired ownership of property intended exclusively for the activities of organisational units of the State. These include the land under the judicial complex on Polní Street, the land under the car park in front of the Regional Court on Husova Street, the land in front of the Supreme Court on Burešova Street and the land with the car park behind the Constitutional Court on Žerotínov Square.
Brno has also acquired land under the trolleybus depot in the Komín district, land on the grounds of the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy and other properties important for transport and sports, as well as public greenery.