GUS: Average salary fell q/q to PLN 7005.76 in Q2 2023

9 August 2023

The average salary amounted to PLN 7,005.76 in Q2 2023, compared to PLN 7,124.26 in Q1 2023. , reported the Central Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny – GUS).

“The Central Statistical Office reports that the average salary in the second quarter of 2023 was PLN 7005.76. The stated remuneration is for the purposes of the Act of 17 December 1998 on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund, GUS announced.

Number of new job offers fell by 0.8% y/y, rose by 2% m/m in VII

Employers in Poland published 285.7 thousand job offers in July. 285.7 thousand job offers – i.e. 0.8% less y/y and 2% more m/m, according to the Grant Thornton report “Job offers in Poland”. The number of job offers in July increased by more than 5,000 compared to June, with the summer bringing a stabilisation of the growth dynamics of new job offers.

“The labour market has reached a state of equilibrium. The number of new recruitment processes in recent months is almost identical to the same period last year. The period of adjustment of the labour market to new conditions – high inflation, high operating costs, the increase in the number of job applicants resulting from the war in Ukraine – seems to have ended. Most employers have carried out the necessary restructuring (e.g. layoffs, reduction of new recruits or adjustments of investment plans) and returned to normal operations. Hopefully, they will soon go into growth mode again and we will see positive job vacancy dynamics again,” said Element Recruitment Automation Software CEO Maciej Michalewski.

In July 2023, most of the surveyed occupations recorded y/y declines in the number of job offers.

The largest is in the HR industry, with employers posting as many as 42% fewer offers than in July 2022. Declines in demand are also evident among IT professionals (-34%), finance professionals (-22%), lawyers (-18%) and marketing professionals (-15%), according to Grant Thornton.

In July, healthcare occupations and manual labour saw y/y increases (2 and 1% respectively).

As assessed by financial and accounting outsourcing partner Grant Thornton Magdalena Marcinowska, employers have “clearly higher expectations of recruited employees than just a few months ago”.

“Firstly, employers are still keen to recruit and are actively competing for employees, trying to win them over with a rich package of benefits and incentives. This shows that the economy is doing well and demand for employees remains strong. Secondly, employers are starting to demand more and more from candidates. Even at the height of the pandemic, when they severely curtailed recruitment needs, they did not make so many demands on employees. This suggests that employers – while still growing rapidly and needing hands to work – are under cost pressure and trying to do so as efficiently as possible, i.e. if they are hiring, they are taking a good look at them during the recruitment process and have clearly higher expectations of them than they did just a few months ago,” Marcinkowska assessed.

The survey was conducted among real job offers published on the 50 largest portals during the period under study. The data was collected using an automatic job offer monitoring tool developed by Element. The survey also includes a quantitative analysis of the content of job offers conducted on a random sample of 1,000 new offers published on and

Source: Grant Thornton and ISBnews

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