Construction companies completed 2013 flats in the South Bohemia Region last year. This is preliminary data published by the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ). Almost two-thirds of the flats are in family houses. The highest number of flats was completed in České Budějovice, while the highest intensity of construction was recorded in the municipality of Lipno nad Vltavou. Over the last twenty years, i.e. from 2003 to last year, the most intensive construction in the region has taken place mainly in Šumava, around Lipno and in the villages near České Budějovice and Jindřichův Hradec.
The intensity of housing construction is calculated as completed flats per 1000 inhabitants. “The most intensive construction in the whole region in 2022 was in the municipality of Lipno nad Vltavou, where 78 flats were completed. However, in this locality, rather than dwellings for permanent housing, these may be buildings used for recreation. In the whole region, the intensity of housing construction reached 3.10 flats per 1,000 inhabitants,” said Irena Votrubová from the regional administration of the Czech Statistical Office in České Budějovice.
Last year, the Lipensko pro život association said that up to 16 development projects were planned on the left bank of Lake Lipno, and over 200 hectares of meadows and forests would be developed. 4,500 recreational beds and marinas for hundreds of yachts would be built. The association has written a petition against this. However, some mayors of Lipno municipalities have previously told ČTK that the land-use plans have been planning for the development since the 1990s. More than 500 flats have been built in Lipno nad Vltavou over the past 20 years, statisticians said.
More than 22 percent of all apartments completed last year in southern Bohemia were in České Budějovice. The second place was occupied by Lipno nad Vltavou with 78 flats, the third place is occupied by Tábor with 64 flats. On the other hand, not a single flat was built in 302 municipalities of the region last year. “Among the larger municipalities without completed flats were the towns of Bechyně and Volary, but surprisingly also the district town of Písek,” said Votrubová.
Of all the flats completed in the region last year, 1,280 were in family houses. Most of them were built in the territory of the regional town, followed by the town of Tábor and the village of Roudné. “Surprising is the fourth place of Dačice, where housing construction has been rather stagnant,” said the statisticians.
Between 2018 and 2022, the most flats were built in České Budějovice (1,855), followed by Tábor (274) and Lipno nad Vltavou, where companies completed 253 flats in five years. However, these are rather flats intended for recreation. Over the past five years, the most intensive construction has taken place in recreational locations such as Lipno or Kvilda in Šumava, as well as in the immediate vicinity of large cities. In the České Budějovice region, these are the villages of Vráto, Branišov and Hlincová Hora, while in the Jindřichův Hradec region, the ČSÚ reported.
Over the last 20 years, counting from 2003, almost 37,000 flats have been built in South Bohemian municipalities. One fifth of them are in the territory of the regional town.
Source: ČSÚ and CTK