Waste reduction specialist moves into P3 Žilina park

26 July 2023

P3 Logistic Parks, a developer and long-term owner of logistics properties in Europe, is now supporting a successful single-use beverage container collection system in Slovakia. The company has welcomed the non-profit organisation Správca zálohovaného obalu to its park in Žilina, where it has leased 2,000 m2 of warehouse space. The organisation sets up, finances and coordinates the operation of a collection system for plastic bottles and beverage cans, thereby supporting the circular economy.

The intermediate warehouse in the P3 Žilina park is one of five similar warehouses in Slovakia chosen by the Deposit System Administrator as a location for its facilities.

“We strive to find the most efficient logistics solutions and optimise our transport routes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The intermediate warehouse in the P3 Žilina park fits perfectly into our strategy for collecting disposable beverage containers from collection points, thus ensuring greater flexibility of services during the peak season,” says Ján Franek, Logistics Director of the non-profit organisation Správca zálohyového systém.

“We are aware that as a developer of logistics properties we stand at the crossroads of two major sources of greenhouse gas emissions: construction and transport. We are aware of our role in this area and we are glad to welcome an organisation that seeks to mitigate the environmental impact of everyday consumption to our park,” adds Ján Rybárik, Head of Leasing at P3 Logistic Parks Slovakia.

Currently, fifteen tonnes of material per day pass through the intermediate storage facility at P3 Žilina Park and, according to the Advance System Manager, this number will increase during the summer. The company transports the collected packaging from the nearest collection points to the intermediate warehouse, where the material is checked, counted and pressed. In this way it is able to transport more packaging from the intermediate depot to the sorting centre and then to the recycler in fewer journeys, meaning more efficient transport and a lower carbon footprint.

In addition to its strategic location close to the D1 motorway, which enables the Backup System Manager to cover a wide network of collection points, P3 Žilina offers its tenants the benefits of a first-class property with BREEAM “Very Good” sustainability certification, equipped with a modern heating and ventilation system, increased roof insulation and energy-efficient intelligent LED lighting.

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