Summer edition of Walter Herz Tenant Academy events is launching

19 July 2023

Walter Herz consulting company is organizing another meeting as part of its original educational project – Tenant Academy, which this time will be devoted to subject of encouraging employees to return to the offices. The series of summer events on the same subject will also include events organized in Cracow and the Tri-City.

The first training of the summer edition of Walter Herz Tenant Academy will take place on July 26th, 2023 in Warsaw. The meeting will be held at a unique event space – Skyfall Warsaw, located on the 46th floor of the Warsaw Unit office building, situated in the heart of the city, right next to the Daszyńskiego roundabout.

The Academy will be hosted by Mateusz Strzelecki, partner at Walter Herz, together with Agnieszka Fedor from SK&S law firm, Konrad Krusiewicz from The Design Group architectural studio and Tina Sobocińska from HR4future consulting company.

During the first part of the meeting, partners will present substantive presentations concerning, among others, current situation of tenants on the office market and issues related to new legal regulations regarding remote work.

Partners will answer the question of how to navigate a work-life balance between the law, employee well-being and team performance. They will share their knowledge on how to build teams and what qualities should be possessed by managers managing employees who perform duties in a hybrid mode. They will also advise on how to arrange a modern office to attract the most talented specialists. They will also discuss the current costs of arranging workplaces.

The following part of the training will consist of a discussion panel, and the meeting will end with networking, which will give participants the opportunity to talk face to face and exchange the ideas.

Walter Herz is inviting directors of HR departments, directors of Administration departments and everybody who is interested in issues related to hybrid work, and thus the process of changes in the office sector in Poland, to participate in the Tenant Academy.

Tenant Academy is the first project of a series of trainings and meetings in Poland addressed to tenants of office space. The trainings are based on the extensive knowledge of experts and the exchange of experiences of the participants themselves. Since establishing Tenant Academy in 2017, over 50 training sessions in the form of meetings and webinars were held as part of the project.

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