Summer means holidays for some, for others it means extra seasonal work. But for Prague residents and many who drive through the capital, for example, the summer months mean various closures, repairs, traffic jams, etc. The completion of the Prague ring road, which is due to start soon, should help congested Prague.
The completion of the Prague ring road arouses different emotions in people. Other major European cities have done the same to relieve congested traffic and improve its flow and safety. What was the situation before and after construction in Vienna, Austria, Erfurt, Germany, or Sofia, Bulgaria?
In Vienna, the commute to work has improved:
Prior to the start of construction, the main issues that resonated in Vienna were the possible increase in noise pollution in the vicinity of the construction, the reduction in the quantity and deterioration of groundwater quality, traffic induction or the deterioration of the quality of life in the vicinity of the construction. There were also concerns about the impact of the construction on the climate and the encroachment on agricultural land.
Ultimately, none of these have been confirmed and the assessment of the impacts of the Vienna Ring Road is largely positive. In the centre of Vienna, but also in the surrounding area, it has reduced traffic volumes, improved the functioning of the transport system and thus improved road safety.
The ring road around Vienna has also resulted in improvements in air quality, biodiversity and landscape. Noise levels have decreased along the original route and have not changed in the vicinity of the construction. Commuting to work or school or access to shopping has improved in the vicinity of the new Vienna ring road.
“The Vienna Ring Road shows that fears about the impact of its construction have not been confirmed. On the contrary, ring roads generally have positive economic benefits once completed, increasing traffic flow, contributing to road safety and reducing accidents. Examples from neighbouring countries are proof of this,” says Martin Opatrný, spokesman for the Prague ring road.
In Erfurt, a rational approach prevailed:
The residents of Erfurt, Germany, took a very rational approach to the construction of the new ring road. In the public discussion that preceded the start of construction, the prevailing issues were mainly related to the possible increase in noise pollution in the vicinity of the construction.
“If there is a short-term increase in noise in the vicinity of the construction, it is common for the investor, usually the state, to address the situation and demand that the contractor remedy the situation,” adds Opatrný.
A similar approach was taken in Erfurt, whose residents now welcome the fact that the city has been relieved of transit traffic after the completion of the ring road. The functioning of the transport system has also improved, and the flow and safety of road traffic has increased. In addition, the original route used before the completion of the ring road has improved air quality and reduced noise levels.
Bratislava residents have a positive opinion of their ring road:
“The construction of the new Bratislava ring road was accompanied by emotions at its beginning, which are common in similar constructions. Today, however, the locals are satisfied with the result. The residents of Bratislava evaluate the impact of the new Bratislava ring road on various aspects of their lives positively,” says Opatrný.
This is true for all the impacts on traffic and quality of life that were surveyed. As far as the environmental dimensions are concerned, the change in air quality, noise levels and landscape are positively evaluated.
In Sofia, the biggest concerns about the ring road were not confirmed:
In Sofia, Bulgaria, people asked questions related to the possible deterioration of the quality of life around the construction of the new ring road. They discussed the economic viability or the induction of large volumes of traffic.
“Usually the story is always the same. At the beginning there are usually concerns about the construction itself and its impact on the surrounding area. But that is a short-term view. In the long term, benefits such as improved traffic flow and volume, better road safety and the functioning of the transport system prevail,” comments Martin Opatrný on the change in the attitude of Sofia residents.
Traffic congestion in Wroclaw, Poland, has decreased:
Wroclaw, Poland, also faced issues related to the construction of a new ring road. The transport system around the construction site and along the original route has improved significantly, improving commuting, schooling and shopping opportunities.
The new Wrocław ring road has relieved the original routes, where traffic volume has decreased, traffic flow, safety and air quality have improved and noise levels have been reduced. “Traffic congestion in Wrocław has decreased and locals have quickly become accustomed to the ring road and its benefits. Therefore, the city management is already announcing the need to prepare other routes related to the development of the city,” concludes Martin Opatrný.
Source: CTK