Brno councillors approve Jan Tesárek as the city’s chief architect

28 June 2023

City councillors today approved Jan Tesárek to head the Brno City Architect’s Office (KAM). Tesárek has been in charge of the office since the beginning of the year, when the chief architect Michal Sedláček left after six years. He was the only one who applied for the selection procedure, according to information from the Brno City Hall. KAM announced the new director on its Twitter account.

“My vision is an open and communicative organisation that is a respected partner for the city and the professional and lay public. I am directing the energy of the entire office towards completing the city’s master plan, cultivating public space and creating better conditions for green spaces, blue-green infrastructure and sustainable mobility,” the new director said.

Tesárek graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Brno University of Technology. He worked for over 15 years in prominent Brno studios, where he focused mainly on residential and civic buildings, architectural detail, but also on public space design and urban studies. Between 2018 and 2022 he worked at KAM in the public space department.

The city announced the selection process for the director position in early May, with about a month to apply. City hall spokesman Filip Poňuchálek told ČTK earlier that one person had applied. The chief architect’s office existed in Brno before, but it disappeared in 2003 when the city was run by the ODS-led coalition. The office was re-established when the municipality was run by a coalition led by the ANO movement. It was initiated by the Greens. It now has around 60 employees.

Source: CTK

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