Hidroelectrica plans a wind park worth over EUR 600 million in Dobrogea

28 June 2023

Hidroelectrica, the largest electricity producer in Romania, plans to develop a large wind farm in Dobrogea, at Grindu Chituc, in partnership with the State Domains Agency (ADS), and with European funding. On the surface of this land that cannot be used for other purposes, the location of a wind farm would generate green energy at offshore capacities, but with the construction of the wind farm on-shore.

For the Grindu-Chituc project, ADS identified an area of approximately 2300 hectares that would be optimal for the creation of the wind turbine park. The project will have a total installed power of 381.6 MW, and its value is estimated at EUR 650 million.

This would be the second ADS-Hidroelectrica partnership, after that of a 1,500 MW photovoltaic park, in the Piscul Sadovei-Dăbuleni area, in Dolj county.

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