MASTERBUILD reaches business volume of RON 74 million

30 May 2023

MASTERBUILD reported a RON 74 million turnover for the fiscal year 2022 and forecasts a 25 percent increase this year, given the contracts signed in the first 4 months of this year.

Although the construction market is facing major, fast-impacting issues such as shortages of building materials and constant legislation changes, MASTERBUILD has a pipeline of new construction works of almost 200,000 sqm, representing contracts already signed in the first months of the year or under negotiation.

“The construction market is still going through an unstable period, but investors’ appetite remains high in Romania, compared to Western European markets (countries such as Germany or Austria) which are currently blocked from the investment point of view. EC economic forecasts indicate a 2.5 percent growth in 2023 and 3 percent in 2024 and construction investments are certain to continue in the context of deglobalization and trends such as nearshoring and the need for Romania to strengthen its position in the region. Although international investors remain cautious, Romania is an important investment stake in the region and construction companies who focus on development, investment, and added value will make the difference on the market in the coming period,” says Ștefan Ferdinand Vayna, CEO MASTERBUILD – General Contractor & Developer.

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