What are the logistic panel discussion being ask: Does high profit affect sustainable development? Does it help to reduce CO2 footprint? Does Slovakia have enough of a competitive edge to meet some of the big box requirements, primarily considering Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary? Why do some developers chose gaining lower profits to building in huge volumes? Do higher rent levels stand for higher standards, building quality? Nearshoring is happening, will Slovakia come out as winner by enabling producers to enter its market? Should the active developers establish a working group to discuss burning issues with the Slovak government or a government-designated authority on topics related to the building laws, new road infrastructure and employment?
Logistics real estate development 2023/2024 – what will be the effects of decreasing vacancy vs. increasing interest rates and construction costs.
Stanislav Pagáč – Country Head – CTP
Michal Huťan – Partner | Real Estate | Energy&Construction – CMS
Jakub Pelikán – Development Director, Central Europe – Mountpark
Michal Buban – Head of Development – ATRIOS
Tomas Ostatnik – Real Estate Executive – Holland & Co
Full coverage will be available in the next issue of CIJ EUROPE.