Are there foreigners among buyers of new apartments? How large a group do they constitute? From which countries do they come? What kind of apartments are they looking for?
Eyal Keltsh, CEO of Robyg Group:
A growing percentage of customers in the residential real estate field are foreigners, of course, mainly citizens of Ukraine. A year after arriving in Poland, many of our neighbors decide to stay longer and would like to have their own place. Currently they buy about 20-30 percent of the apartments sold. They are mostly looking for apartments for families, two- and three-room apartments, although there are also customers interested in large apartments.
Karolina Bronszewska, board member, director of Marketing and Innovation at Ronson Development:
Our sales statistics show that the most numerous group of clients from abroad are Ukrainians and Belarusians. They most often buy two- and three-room apartments in investments from the popular segment, such as Warsaw’s Ursus Centralny and Miasto Moje projects, as well as Wrocław’s Viva Jagodno investment. We also note transactions of a strictly investment nature. There are also clients from Asian countries, who are mainly interested in the premium segment.
Angelika Kliś, Atal board member:
Our sales data shows that the purchase of apartments by foreigners is negligible and accounts for about 3-5 percent of all transactions. They mostly choose apartments for themselves. Depending on their means, these are two- and three-room units, less often four-room units. Among buyers, the majority are Ukrainians. Buyers are mostly middle-aged people. There are also mixed marriages, when one of the partners is of Polish origin and the spouse is usually from a European country.
Cezary Grabowski, sales and marketing director of Bouygues Immobilier Polska:
Apartments in our developments are bought by foreigners mainly from Ukraine. Taking into account the number of contracts currently signed, since the beginning of this year, we see that they are, however, a small percentage of our customers.
Michal Witkowski, sales director of Lokum Deweloper S.A.:
In both Wroclaw and Krakow some of our customers are foreigners. They are dominated by citizens of Ukraine, who most often buy family units of larger size, with the intention of living there permanently or at least for a few years. Our offer also meets the interest of buyers from Germany, Italy or other Western European countries. These are mainly investment purchases of smaller properties, studios or two-room units, located as close to the city center as possible. To a lesser extent, we also sign contracts with clients from further afield, such as from the US or Asian countries. For the most part, these are people looking for housing in Poland as part of mixed marriages, such as Polish-American couples.
Małgorzata Ostrowska, Director of the Marketing and Sales Division at J.W. Construction Holding S.A.:
There are clients from abroad, but they are mainly people who have left the country for some time and are planning to return. In the beautifully located Nad Odrą apartments on Szczecin’s boulevards, apartments are bought by Poles living in Sweden, Denmark or Germany. They usually buy larger units for themselves, but there are also customers who choose small apartments for investment purposes. In the Stacja Centrum project in Pruszkow and Horizon in Gdansk, buyers are people who have come from Ukraine.
Piotr Ludwinski, Sales and Customer Service Director at Archicom:
Our customers are mainly Poles, but they are also often citizens of other European countries. The most numerous group of investors are British citizens, but recently we have also noted examples of investors from Israel. The investment market is once again recovering, with buyers opting for typical investment-grade apartments. In the case of foreigners, the purchase for personal use of real estate from our offer is incidental.
Marek Pawlukiewicz, communications manager of Aria Development
Among our foreign clients, people from Ukraine dominate. They mainly buy one- and two-room apartments.
Mariola Żak, sales and marketing director at Aurec Home:
The Polish real estate market is increasingly boldly conquered by foreigners. They are most eager to buy apartments where it is easiest to get a job, i.e. in big cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz and Poznan. According to our statistics, the largest group of buyers – foreigners who buy apartments in the Miasteczko Jutrzenki investment – are citizens of Ukraine. The number of transactions increased sharply in 2022 compared to 2021, as a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the permanent settlement in Poland of our eastern neighbors. Transactions involving citizens of Belarus have also increased significantly. Interestingly, a growing group of foreigners are citizens of India. Foreigners most often choose compact two-room units up to 44 sqm or apartments for investment.
Marcin Michalec, CEO of Okam:
Our customers are mostly Poles. In each of our residential projects we note interest from buyers from outside our country. In recent years, foreign customers have included people from Ukraine, Israel, but also Asian countries. This is due to the growing number of foreigners tying their future to Poland. In the case of our eastern neighbors, their share has increased significantly since the outbreak of the conflict.
Source: The poll was prepared by the real estate website
Photo: Home Invest Oszmianska II