Three halls of about 36,300 square metres will be built near the former gasworks Užín near Ústí nad Labem. Traffic on the I/30 road will increase by about 1,600 cars, both cars and trucks, after the construction of the complex, according to the survey procedure. The road is already busy, as it is the main route between Ústí nad Labem and Teplice, and it also connects to the D8 motorway in the direction of Děčín and Germany and the direction of Prague. 16,900 cars pass through the place daily, according to Dana Zikešová, spokesperson of the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD). Construction of a roundabout, which will require a closure, has already begun because of the halls.
“At the moment, the brownfield is being remediated and the site of the former pressurized gas plant is being cleaned up for the future construction of the industrial park. Along with this, construction of the roundabout has begun,” said Jakub Velen, spokesman for CPI, the company that will build the halls. The so-called Podhorský Park is already on a number of online advertising sites. The company wants to lease the ten-metre-high halls. They are to be used for storage and production.
Metrostav has been removing brush and trees from the land for several weeks. Zikešová said that the construction of the roundabout also required preparatory work. According to her, the construction will last until the end of this year. “We will get the bill after CPI hands over the construction to us,” she added. The roundabout will be built at the intersection of Havířská and Podhoří streets. Police have been directing traffic at the site several times as there is a lot of truck traffic. Trucks are heading to the Truck Park, with queues forming daily at the truck park.
The management of the city of Ústí nad Labem knows about the company’s intention. According to the mayor Petr Nedvědický (ANO), the company approached the municipality because of the public transport connections. “They would be happy to start talks with the transport company of the city of Ústí nad Labem about whether the standard line would be extended to bring workers to the halls,” said the mayor. The city, on the other hand, has asked the company that the height of the halls should not exceed the height of the buildings at the nearby airport. The local government also wanted the nearby golf resort to be preserved.
Source: CTK