Slovenia’s HSE to invest EUR 2 bln in renewable energy by 2033

23 March 2023

Slovenian state-owned electricity producer Holding Slovenske Elektrarne plans to invest EUR 2 billion to expand its renewable energy production capacity by 2033, according to CEO Tomaz Stokelj.

HSE has examined about 50 possible locations for the construction of new photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 400 MWp, including additional capacity at the Prapretno solar power plant and near the Zlatolicje hydropower plant, as well as floating solar power plants in Sostanj lake.

The Slovenian electricity producer is also considering the reconstruction of the Formin hydropower plant and the construction of a hydropower plant on the Sava river, while wind farms will be built in Ojstrica, Paski Kozjak and near Rogatec.

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