ID Logistics, a logistics operator specializing in dedicated contract logistics, is strengthening its partnership with one of the largest global e-commerce/B2C industry leaders. The operator has completed the expansion of its e-commerce logistics center for dangerous goods (Hazmat) in Zgorzelec, increasing its storage capacity and network of delivery points, strengthening its importance in the client’s European distribution network.
The e-commerce logistics center in Zgorzelec, now operating as a ZDR (High Risk Facility), was launched in September 2021. ID Logistics’ 600-strong team is tasked with managing the processes of receiving deliveries, warehousing, picking and packing orders, loading and preparing for shipment, and value-added services – preparing goods, such as by additional filming, for acceptance in the warehouse. The total area of the facility, with 60 loading ramps, is more than 40,200 square meters. On 14 thousand pallet spaces and 43 thousand shelf locations are stored approx. 5 million products (more than 130,000 SKUs). Hazmat (Hazardous Material) chemical articles, i.e. cosmetics and household chemicals, as well as other unrestricted items are handled here. On an average day, ID Logistics is responsible for receiving deliveries of 64,000 articles and processing about 51,000 orders.
At first, the Zgorzelec warehouse was dedicated to handling Hazmat goods; in response to customer needs, the assortment was expanded to include non-restricted articles. Just a few months after opening, expansion began, which was completed last October. As part of the work, new high-bay shelving was installed, which increased storage capacity in the aerosol area (flammable and non-flammable) by 200 percent and in the corrosive area by 100 percent. Thanks to the investment in expanding the parcel sorting system, the number of delivery points within the European distribution network to which orders are sent from Zgorzelec has increased by 50%. Heat shields and an additional sprinkler system (fire extinguishing equipment) were also installed, increasing safety.
Rafal Kaczmarek, director of the Zgorzelec warehouse, ID Logistics, said: “Readiness for change and quick response in response to new customer and market needs best demonstrates how ID Logistics operates and our approach to business. Now, together with the customer, we will prepare to develop new plans and set directions for development, including optimizing planning and increasing the attractiveness of the Zgorzelec facility in the European distribution network. Know-how, knowledge and experience are crucial in warehouse management for Hazmat. We therefore want to place great emphasis on strengthening the competence of the team, including through additional training for specialists and management, which is so important for efficient and effective service.”
The e-commerce logistics center in Zgorzelec, managed by ID Logistics, is fully adapted to the handling of hazardous materials, with special attention to employee safety and environmental protection.
The warehouse, where Hazmat items are handled, differs from a standard one primarily in the complexity of its infrastructure, which involves fire prevention requirements. The one used at the Zgorzelec logistics center meets NFPA13 standards based on NFPA30, NFPA30B and NFPA400. Elements of the building were made in resistance class ‘E’, and in the aerosol zone (combustible and noncombustible) fire walls were used 240REI type. What is worth emphasizing, safety issues, strict restrictions and the need to adapt to the specifics of handling stored articles were taken into account already at the construction stage. Structurally, the facility resembles a “bathtub”, with the floor sloping inward, so that in the event of leakage of harmful substances, negative effects on the surrounding area are prevented.
The e-commerce logistics center in Zgorzelec, managed by ID Logistics, is fully adapted to the handling of hazardous materials, with special attention to worker safety and environmental protection.
The warehouse, where Hazmat items are handled, differs from a standard one primarily in the complexity of its infrastructure, which involves fire prevention requirements. The one used in the Zgorzelec logistics center meets NFPA13 standards based on NFPA30, NFPA30B and NFPA400. Elements of the building were made in resistance class ‘E’, and in the aerosol zone (flammable and non-flammable) fire walls of type 240REI were used. What is worth emphasizing, safety issues, strict restrictions and the need to adapt to the specifics of handling stored articles were taken into account already at the construction stage. Structurally, the facility resembles a “bathtub”, with the floor sloping inward, so that in the event of a leakage of harmful substances, negative effects on the surroundings are prevented.
The part of the warehouse where Hazmat articles are stored has been divided into 4 zones. Among others, the flammable liquids zone places perfumes, nail polish, mounting adhesives, dishwashing liquids, mascara and makeup primers, while the aerosol zone (flammable and non-flammable:) deodorants, hairspray, shaving foam or hair mousse, the caustic zone: laundry powders, dishwasher tablets, cleaning preparations and the oxidant zone, among others, hair dyes and bleaches or pool cleaners.
All safety solutions have been adapted to the specifics of warehouse operations, in accordance with strict health and safety requirements. Among them are ceiling and rack sprinkler systems, safety showers for employees with eyewash (used to wash the part of the body exposed to the hazardous substance, if necessary), flammable vapor detection, fire extinguishers and hydrants, as well as a gravity system and smoke exhaust dampers. The caustic materials zone features drainage and an external tank with a capacity of 200 cubic meters, so that in the event of a spill, the caustic substances will drain into a tank located within the park, under the access paving. The aerosol zone, on the other hand, is located in a so-called “bunker,” a kind of building within a building, with separate walls, ceiling, entrance doors for employees and cart gates. When an alarm is activated, the doors are automatically closed so that potential aerosol “explosions” do not affect the rest of the warehouse. In addition, the warehouse is equipped with two power generators so that, in the event of power outages, it can operate without interruption. An emergency parking area for vehicles has also been designated.
At the Zgorzelec e-commerce logistics center, managed by ID Logistics, regular audits are conducted to verify the correctness of the implementation of Hazmat processes and procedures used. A certified DGSA (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor) is responsible for the compliance of operational activities with Seveso requirements and product categorization methodologies and related legal requirements. Dangerous goods training is provided for new employees, and specialized further training is being prepared for management, tailored to the specifics of handling in the goods receiving, picking and packing and loading departments.